Posture & Voice
Vibrational Balancing Technique
An arched pelvis for a voice that carries
2109 Svoboda Rd
ospitato da Elisabeth Baile
con Anna Takahashi e Dominique Mennessier
17-18-19 May 2025
9h00 - 16h30
Individual sessions also available
Yogita 250-354-7758
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Interac e-transfer
Question : what do we work on ?
Answer: Posture

Sabato 28 ottobre
9:00 - 16:30
Soha Center, Rachel E
Metropolitana di Mont Royal.

Un bacino arcuato per una voce che porta
Unendo la voce e il corpo, il Canto Posturale ti regala un'esperienza interiore trasformativa e ti offre una chiave che trasformerà anche il tuo approccio alla vita.
Presentation of Chant Postural.
Getting into position.
Group and solo experiments with sound and voice.
Individual adjustments
Voice games.
🎯 Wow! Discovering your own Key (of the pelvis) so that creative energy can flow down into you. What an experience to live and vibrate!
🗣️ Thank you for this memorable workshop! I'm still soaking up what I saw, heard and experienced. I even impressed myself! I feel great inner joy.
🎯 What a rich day of workshop! Postural Chanting is a powerful and precious tool, which takes us to a new stage: that of knowing how to direct and master our energy through the sound of our voice and posture, and integrate it into our everyday lives.
THE immersion
Over the course of 3 days, you'll lay the foundations for a new physical and psychic foundation, in order to feel your own vibration descend, and train your body to absorb it.
We will start by installing the physical terminal: an arched pelvis.
We train this arched pelvis to hold and receive the sound discharges we voluntarily direct at it. It then understands that its function is to absorb these charges and feed off them. Recharged by this energy, it is increasingly competent to support us. We begin to build lasting inner security.
Through daily individual adjustments, group activities and question-and-answer periods, you'll consolidate your new foundation, and return to it more and more easily, with complete autonomy.
The link between arched posture, voice and security will become more and more tangible for you.
⚠️ If you don't receive the payment confirmation immediately, wait a few minutes before trying again!
Interac e-transfer
Question: what do we work on ?
Answer: Posture